Homework Sandwiches: Nutritious and Delicious

homework sandwich

It has been said that the best way to hand out criticism is to sandwich it between two compliments. Similarly, if you must deliver bad news, layer it between good news. "Sandwiching" also works when convincing your child to do homework- or any task he is not especially excited about. If children are allowed to do something enjoyable right before and immediately after homework, they will learn to associate homework with those fun activities. It becomes a package deal.

Sit down with your child and talk about which activities they would like to do before and after homework. It is important to let your child come up with his own ideas. You will probably be surprised by some of their sandwich ideas. For example, my kids want to help with dinner! Who knew that what I view as a chore- cooking- was a treat to them?

Be prepared to hear some preposterous suggestions; you may have to rein in their enthusiasm. (No, we aren't going to the movies every day!) Still, you want your child to come up with reasonable activities that motivate and excite him. Not only will he have a feeling of ownership about this whole process, he will want to hurry up and get started doing his homework. Imagine that!

A Few Homework Sandwich Ideas:

  • video game for 15 minutes/ homework/ shoot hoops with dad
  • favorite snack/ homework/ watch TV for an hour
  • watch one TV show/ homework/ help with dinner
  • talk on phone for 20 minutes/ homework/ talk on phone forever
  • ride bike for 30 minutes/ homework/ play cards with Mom
  • snack/ homework/ take a bubble bath while Mom reads Harry Potter

Did you notice that most of the first activities have a time limit (i.e. 15 minutes, one TV show, etc.)? This is important! You want your kids to hurry up and get that homework finished, and the only way that is going to happen is if they get started!

Remember, homework sandwiches cannot be all "bread" and no "filling!" That is, a child can't skip homework and go directly to the fun activity OR spend too much time on the first slice and never get to the homework part of the sandwich.

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