ok. Your expressing your opinion on teh internet in a site which we all know an 11 year old would obviously disagree with this topic? It's very unlikely anyone would actually read this. It veryy sad that you are doing this. You're ranting on the internet and yes, you may be entitled to your opinion, but come on why are you on this site anyway when you can be studying and then your homework would not be as hard but then u might say "You're wasting time by doing this."
Wrong, I am in my library in a class and doing this so techinically i am getting credit for doing this.
Thank you
An 8th Grader.
Jan 20, 2010 Rating
No homework (no ifs ands or buts either) by: Black Star
It's 9:34 p.m, and I'm doing research for my paper on why we shouldn't have weekend and vacation homework. Believe it or not, this is normal, and it's torture. By the way, I'm 11. I know it's occasional to spend all night doing homework, but this has been happening the WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR!!! To all you people out there, be a buddy and Ban homework on weekends and vacations!