Homework Calendar

The Homework Calendar: Your First Step in Homework Organization!

The very first skill I discuss in my e book Homework Organization and How to Study Each Subject So You Can Get Great Grades and Have A Life! is how to use homework calendars.

  • I go into detail about different types of homework calendars and how to use them effectively.

  • I rave about my favorite homework calendar.

  • I emphasize how important it is to use a homework calendar. I even tell students to act like a robot!

Why do I begin with homework calendars and then spend so much time on them in my e book?

Homework Calendars Are The First Step In Homework Organization!

If a student diligently uses some sort of homework calendar, the rest of the homework organization and studying steps can fall into place.

If a student does not use a homework calendar, it's going to be soooo difficult (if not impossible) to become organized.

A Good Homework Calendar Should Help Students Remember:

  1. What is due: a place to write down assignments.

  2. When it is due: a space for the date and the week.

  3. Who wants it: a clear understanding of which teacher or professor the assignment or project is for.

  4. How to do it: a spot to jot down notes and directions.

Here's Your FREE Homework Calendar!

I've created a simple homework calendar for you to print and copy. (Save paper by printing front and back.) Make enough copies for the semester, three-hole punch them and put them in your homework binder.

You do have- and use- a homework binder, right?

Don't Worry!
Here's Everything You Need to Know About
Homework Organization:

Homework Organization and How to Study Each Subject So You Can Get Great Grades and Have A Life!