Homework Organization &
How to Study:
A VIDEO E course for
Intermediate, Middle
High School Students
Parents, You CAN Have an Organized Child!

Invest in your children, your family and yourself!Money is tight, and parents have to make tough decisions about where to spend their money. We are all cutting back on non-essentials.
Homework Organization and learning How to Study are skills your child will use now and for the rest of their lives.
Unlike a pair of shoes that they will grow out of, or a video game that will end up forgotten- my e course will help your child forever.
The skills that I will share with your child are the same ones I learned in the eighth grade (more than a few years ago!), and I am still using them TODAY!
These tips and skills helped me excel in middle school, high school, college and graduate school, and they can do the same thing for your child.
If you let me share them!
Why are our children so disorganized?
- Nobody shows students how to be organized- or how to study.
- Your kids don't listen to you; mine don't either!
- Students do actually have more homework than we had as kids.
- They also have to do much more studying- and at a younger age.
Can You Relate?
- Disorganized homework situation
- Tired, surly, overwhelmed children
- Disappointing report cards
- Fighting, crying, yelling about homework
- Ruined evenings, weekends
- Calls and notes from the teacher about missing homework
Is This Your Child?
- Can't find their homework assignments- even when they've done them?
- Doesn't have (or use) their homework planner?
- Has a backpack stuffed with junk and crumpled papers?
- Is never ready for tests, quizzes and exams?
Parents, Do You Do These Things?...
- Digging through your child's backpack to find missing homework?
- Looking online trying to figure out what homework your child has tonight?
- Begging your child to get organized?
Help Is Here!As a parent and teacher, I know all about homework! I have assigned it, corrected it, collected it, graded it, returned it, helped with it, looked for it- you name it! I know what it's like to be overwhelmed and disgusted by both my children's and students' homework.
I decided to figure out why teachers assign homework and what parents can do to make it less intrusive. In fact, I studied homework so much that I became a consultant/ speaker and started this website to help other parents and teachers deal with it.
Two complaints I hear day in and day out from parents is that their children are so disorganized and they don't know how to study for tests. I looked for a book, an e course, anything to help parents, but there isn't anything else out there! So, I decided to create this e course to help students become organized and learn how to study.
And, my stuff works!
Watch this video about
Homework Calendars
How Your Child Will Feel
AFTER This E Course:
Can You Imagine?
- As independent learners, responsible for doing their own homework and studying
- Being organized: keeping track of their own materials
- Knowing where all of their homework assignments are
- Efficiently and effectively studying for tests, exams and quizzes
- No longer expecting YOU to keep their backpack, binder and folders neat
"What you are doing here is of great value to parents and students. The content you are sharing with parents is exceptional and the media of choice-
video, is the way to go!"
- Aish Agrawal
Day 1
Why it pays to get good grades.
Why you should NOT do homework all of the time.
Why it takes 21 days to form a habit.
How to clean out your backpack.
How to use a Homework Calendar.
What's the point of a Homework Binder.
Why you need a Homework Box.
- How throwing stuff out makes it easier to find things.
How being organized at school makes life easier at home.
Why you must know your Homework Personality.
How to develop the perfect Homework Routine.
Why you MUST put things away if you want to avoid Morning Madness.
How to put together a Magic Homework Box.
- How one week can change your life.
Why "cool" kids start studying early.
How to find what you need to make studying a breeze.
Why you gotta love love Flash Cards.
The best way to study almost anything.
How to study for math, reading, spelling, science and social studies.
Why it's okay to mess up, but it's never okay to give up.

Got Questions?
Why is this e course in video form? Wouldn't it have been easier to do an e book?
Oh, yes! It would have been much easier to do an e book! However, I know that students are much more likely to listen and pay attention to a moving, speaking image (a "live" person) than to another set of printed directions. They don't want any more reading assignments!
How does this e course work?
After paying for the e course (see bottom of page), you will receive a link and access code to the Homework Organization & How to Study Video E Course web page. On that page, you will find all of the videos: Day One: Getting Organized, Day Two: Homework Time! and, Day Three: How to Study PLUS links to pages to print and share.
Students are encouraged to watch the videos, implement my suggestions and move on to the next video only when they are ready.
How long will it take before my children can start the e course?
Right away! As soon as your payment is received, you will be able to access the web page! The process is quick and easy.
What kind of access will my family have to the videos?
Your family has unlimited access to the e course and all of the videos! I will periodically change the access codes, so please let me know if you change your email address!
(I ask- and trust- that you don't share the access code with those outside of your immediate family.)
Is there a money-back guarantee?
Yes! All I ask is that:
1. You and your child commit to following my program for 21 days.
2. You take a look at the links I recommend.
3. You make certain that your child has the necessary tools to follow the program.
What is your refund policy?
If you are not happy with the e course, you are entitled to a full refund within 60 days of purchase.
How did you decide on the price?
This e course is chock full of information, and I was told to charge a lot more for it. (Note: private homework consultations are $350 per hour plus expenses.) However, I wanted to keep things affordable. I recommend that your child pay part of the e course fee ($20?) They will be much more interested and invested in the program when they have contributed!
More questions?
Email me at [email protected] or contact me.
How much is it worth
to have some homework PEACE?
How much is it worth
that your children know how to STUDY?
Organized & Independent Children,
Peaceful You?
Only $47

Act Now!
Do not let another day, week, month, school year go by without your child having the skills they need to succeed!
- UNLIMITED ACCESS to the e course. Your children can watch the videos again and again and again- until they "get" it!
- THREE days of engaging, easy-to-understand videos that your children will watch, understand and follow.
- 7 VIDEOS- in addition to the How to Use A Homework Calendar on this page.
- SUPPORT MATERIALS to print and share.
- DISCOUNTS & ADVANCE NOTICE on upcoming e courses and products.
Only $47!